Financial Services

With the constantly changing landscape of the financial services industry, organizations need technology that has a low total cost of ownership, can easily scale enterprise-wide and deliver proven return on investment. Image Access assists organizations overcome the many challenges involved with gaining a sustainable competitive advantage.

Increase business value and profitability

  • Attract and Retain top financial advisors by providing highest levels of service.
  • Expand customer service offerings and increase the value of client interaction with self-service capabilities.
  • Establish and maintain compliancy with regulations (Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC, and USA Patriot Act).
  • Reduce per-transaction and other operational costs.

Image Access Financial Services solution helps organizations manage content better and accelerate business processes, while reducing costs associated with risk management and regulatory compliance mandates.

Image Access' Solution for Financial Services

  • Increase operational efficiencies, lowering total unit costs.
  • Enhance and expand high-performing product and service offerings.
  • Improve service level agreements.
  • Improve, strengthen customer and member relationships.
  • Increase productivity by automating data entry and storage operations.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance.