Please read our Privacy Policy carefully. Each time you use this Application, you will be under the Privacy Policy which is in force at all times. This Privacy Policy statement applies when using our Application in all available operating systems. You should review this Privacy Policy to be sure that you agree with it.


Everyone has the right to protection of his/her personal data. Image Access Corp. (IAC) respects its users' right to be informed regarding the collection of and other operations involving their personal data.


Responsible, according to the Applicable Laws, for possible storage and process of your personal data and Information is IAC (22 Paris Ave., Rockleigh, NJ, 07647, USA). For any questions and/or suggestions about data privacy, please contact us through email at support@imageaccesscorp,com.



IAC neither collects nor stores personal data fοr your downloading or usage of this application. The Application, operates on a platform owned/controlled and operated by a third party. You understand and agree that you access this platform at your risk and your entering will lead you beyond the Application’s control and IAC is not responsible for the third party’s content, terms and conditions, privacy policies and storage or process of your personal data.

IAC advises you to check always the terms of use and/or privacy policies on those platforms before using them. Also IAC advises you, that as a user, if you are provided with, an identification code, password or any other piece of information, by the third party, as part of your security, you should handle such information as confidential and not disclosable to any third party.

IAC is not responsible of data collection, further processing and use of your data by the usage of this application. You understand that by using the Application, you agree to the third-party processing of data for the purpose outlined above. 



IAC may collect and store personal data for your usage of its Website ( but only if you voluntarily provide it and to the extent that such collection is permitted by law or written agreed by you. You have no obligation to provide such information, but if you withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with the services. Personal data encompasses any information concerning the personal or factual information about a specified or specifiable natural person. IAC, being responsible for the storage, process and file in general, undertakes to respect the confidentiality of your personal information, to use for the purposes as following and not transmit it to any third person. We will keep your information confidential except when disclosure is required by law or for technical purposes or else when you have written agreed. We may ask you to provide us with your address, telephone, e-mail address. You hereby guarantee that your personal details provided are true. If any change or modification occurs, please notify us. We keep your data for as long is necessary and we will delete your data insofar as it is no longer required for the purposes that were collected. By deleting your account, we also delete all data from it. Data that you have shared publicly with others, since it belongs to the account of a third party or is on a public platform. If data must be retained for legal reasons, it will be locked. The data is then no longer available for further use.

If you would like you have the right to receive information at any time about the personal data we have collected and stored about you. You, also can modify, correct or delete it, or withdraw your consent to its use, at any time. To do so, send us an e-mail to



By accepting the use of the Website/Application you acknowledge that any contact whatsoever made with third parties after viewing the Website and downloading the Application, and any outcome which ensues, is absolutely independent of IAC and IAC is not in any way responsible for any agreement or expectation and other consequence which ensues as a direct or indirect cause of this contact.

Any claim or dispute which may arise between you and such a third party shall in no way involve IAC.

IAC is not responsible of data collection, further processing and use of your data by the usage of this Application. You understand that by using the Application, you agree to the third-party processing of data for the purpose outlined above. 


Statistical data is collected when users access the Website. These data are not associated with your person. This data collection serves to improve IAC and to provide you with the most extensive functionality possible.



IAC reserves the right to amend, at any time, the terms of this privacy policy. The current version is always available at