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ABBYY Software

The Most Comprehensive SDK for Data Capture and Document Conversion

ABBYY FineReader Engine is the most comprehensive SDK for document recognition/conversion and data capture. It includes all the technologies needed for developing state-of-the-art intelligent data capture, document recognition, and document conversion systems. In addition to OCR, ICR, OMR and barcode recognition technologies, it also offers image pre- and post-processing, document layout analysis, advanced PDF conversion with support for various types and flavors of PDF, including PDF/A standard, and form processing (for both fixed and semi-structured forms and documents). ABBYY FineReader Engine also delivers complete field level/zonal recognition capabilities to support key business processes such as key-word classification, keyword indexing, and forms processing.

ABBYY FineReader Engine is a common platform for ABBYY's recognition technologies. It covers all the core technology functions that are inside of ABBYY's flagship products including ABBYY FineReader OCR, ABBYY FormReader and ABBYY FlexiCapture Studio. It also provides processing features specifically designed for large-scale and international projects, such as Fast Mode Recognition, Document Analysis for Invoices, Document Analysis for Full Text Indexing, and the broadest language support, with 191 languages for OCR, including the newly added Thai and Hebrew, and 92 languages for ICR.

  • ABBYY FineReader Engine is the Software Development Kit (SDK) to integrate multilingual text recognition and conversion technologies into external applications.
  • The SDK allows to convert PDFs and images into a large variety of other digital formats, so that the information is accessible for humans and IT systems.
  • The toolkit allows to read & recognize a large variety of different sources:
    • documents with machine-printed text with OCR
    • forms filled with hand with ICR
    • check marks on reports with OMR
    • a large variety of barcodes
  • Code Samples guide you to build your own highly accurate, scalable, efficient recognition and conversion system supporting over 200 languages

With each new development cycle, ABBYY enhances the FineReader core technology with new features designed to support the increasingly sophisticated needs of ABBYY customers.
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ABBYY FlexiCapture 10is intelligent, accurate and scalable document capture and data extraction software. It provides a single entry point to automatically transform the stream of different forms and documents of any structure and complexity to usable and accessible data ready to be exported into your business applications and databases. ABBYY FlexiCapture replaces manual time- and resource-consuming document sorting and data entry processes with automatic document classification and data extraction.

ABBYY FlexiCapture 10 is designed for low- to high-volume automated data capture from any kind of documents including:
  • fixed forms (questionnaires, surveys, tests, tax returns, application and claim forms capture)
  • semi-structured documents (purchase orders, explanations of benefits, receipts and invoice capture)
  • unstructured documents (letters, articles and contract capture)

In data extraction software from ABBYY documents pass through four main stages (Import, Recognition, Verification, Export) and as a result they are classified, recognized, verified and transferred into reliable, accurate, searchable and highly structured electronic data that can drive business processes across a department or enterprise.

ABBYY FlexiCapture provides powerful customization tools to accomplish document processing tasks of any complexity. Standard workflow can be extended through adding external modules and engines between or instead of current stages.
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Server-based OCR and PDF Conversion Solution

ABBYY Recognition Server 3.0 is a robust and powerful server-based OCR solution for automating document conversion processes across corporate departments and enterprises. It is designed for mid- to high-volume OCR processing. ABBYY Recognition Server can be used as both a turnkey solution and an integral part of document capture, document management, and back-end systems.

ABBYY Recognition Server is the ideal solution for:
  • high-volume conversion of printed documents to searchable formats such as PDF and PDF/A (e.g. for digitizing archives or records creation);
  • automating and streamlining routine document conversion processes in large departments and enterprises;
  • low-cost and rapid integration with other server-based systems and applications.
Key Features

Highly Accurate Recognition in 191 Languages
The award-winning ABBYY’s OCR technology delivers unprecedented recognition accuracy for any kind of documents.

Unattended Server-based Processing
Document conversion tasks are performed automatically on a server, during scheduled hours or round-the-clock.

Unmatched Scalability
With its ability to use resources of additional computers and CPUs during the processing, Recognition Server can convert virtually any volume of documents within the required timeframe. In addition, there is no need for complex system configuration – it takes just a few minutes to extend the processing power by plugging additional stations into the system.

Centralized Management
Recognition Server provides a remote management console as a central administration point for defining processing parameters, creating specific “workflows” for particular projects and managing recognition stations across the enterprise.

Reliability and Fault Tolerance
Designed as a highly robust solution, Recognition Server ensures ongoing system stability and data safety.

Flexible Integration Tools
Integration with scanners, MFPs, imaging applications and backend systems has never been easier. Recognition Server can communicate with other systems in a number of ways: via “watched” folders, email, COM-compatible API or Web Service API. The program provides all the features to function as an OCR Web Service in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).

More ABBYY&Software=Recognition Server 3.0 InformationMore InformationABBYY Recognition Server 3.0 PDFView Software Brochure