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IBM DB2 Document Manager

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IBM DB2 Document Manager DB2 Document Manager

DB2® Document Manager provides document management services for all types of documents.

Compound documents are comprised of multiple components such as a Microsoft® Word document with an embedded Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and an embedded GIFF image. Each component's lifecycle and security is managed by DB2 Document Manager individually while the appropriate interrelationships are maintained. The interrelationships of managed components may effect the retention of individual components. Through its integration with IBM® DB2 Records Manager, DB2 Document Manager ensures that appropriate business rules are applied when related documents of record are processed. Compound document services:

- relate individual components with each other to create a single, virtual, entity
- maintain referential integrity of component relationships
- support XML instances with components
- provide version control for the components as well as the single entity
- deliver an easy to use Web-based client to create, search, and browse documents (simple or compound) and navigate through the interrelationships

Lifecycle Services manages the state and security of a document throughout its life. It provides:
- configurable, rules-based Lifecycle Services
- simple, menu-driven administrative interface
- revision level document control
- automated change management
- drag and drop state control

Web-based End-User Interface extends and simplifies user interaction with the document library with:
- Explorer-like interface
- extensive foldering capabilities to organize documents
- complex searches may be defined and associated with a unique folder
- messaging awareness
- easy and complete configuration

Application integration surfaces the strength of the repository through everyday business applications. It lets administrators and users
- exchange property values between Microsoft Office documents and the library
- automatically detects related components and add them to the library
- provide administrator flexibility in assigning DB2 Document Manager commands to applications
- supported applications include Microsoft Office 2000 and XP, Lotus® Notes®, Microsoft Outlook, AutoCAD 2000 and above, MicroStation, AutoVue, Myriad

Item Loader (formerly named the Bulk Loading Facility) simplifies and secures document loading. It
- provides unattended batch loading of documents into the library
- includes support for CAD documents and reference files
- automatically detects document relationships

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